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Constitutional Militarization of Judiciary

Constitution of Pakistan has been amended for 21st time since its promulgation in the year 1973. Laws are made to…

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Hypocrisy in the Name of Blasphemy

Apart from politics, blasphemy in perhaps the most debated topic these days. Owing to the sensitivity of the issue and…

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Of Heroes & Anti-Heroes: Malala Yousafzai

She came to public attention in January 2009 when her blog appeared on the BBC Urdu website about life under…

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نان فکشن

The Constitution of Islamic Republic of Naya Pakistan

Whereas, sovereignty over the entire Universe belongs to Almighty Allah alone, and the authority to be exercised by the people…

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Is History Repeating Itself? Towards the End of Turmoil

Imran Khan has been trying to turn public opinion in his favor vis-à-vis election rigging but his arguments lose their…

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Invoking Article 245; Ignoring Responsibilities & Repercussions

Article 245 of the Constitution; the provision that empowers the government to call the army to act in aid of…

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Mockery of Ramzan

In the month of Ramzan the actors, singers, comedians, newscasters and political anchors appear out of the blue with altered…

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All is fair in Blasphemy: A Law with Flaw

For a layperson the provisions inserted in PPC during the Zia era regarding blasphemy have the status of a divine…

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[No] Freedom Of Expression In Pakistan

The happening or non-happening of an event or of a certain act compels the people to develop an opinion which…