“Have More Than You Show, Speak Less Than You Know” – Williams Shakespeare
The 17th Century Bard of Avon would find little affection and deference for his words in a nation which views all that comes from the West with skepticism. Maghrabi Istamar, Amreki Baladasti and yep Yahoodi Sazish is what keeps us way away from the conspiracies of the West. Pakistan is a witty astute nation which knows that all what Goras preach is but a stain of devil and that we must at all times find ourselves at the other shore of the discourse. So be it human rights, gender equality or Shakespearian philosophy, we would always stand in opposition to what the West stands for. Thus by the grace of the Almighty and with the strength of our backs and the sweat of our brows, we have mastered the art of “Having less Than We Show and Speaking More Than We Know.”
Ever since a nefarious deemed for hell model Ayyan Ali has attracted the fury of the heavens, this ponderous nation has bestowed upon itself the celestial chore of dragging this rebel of God to her well-deserved fate and in course of this expedition reveal the unjust nature of our Criminal Justice System. The social media (our benediction straight from the Heavens) thus with the usual abuse and slur tactic has employed some new ammo among its arsenal, that of analytic comparative skills. It has exposed how this inept system of ours is failing to disparage a creature far from redemption; have a gaze at this breathtaking piece of research:
• A picture of the damsel in distress is attached with a kid who was arrested over kite flying charges and the caption elaborates the injustice that prevails in this abhorrent society. The bottom line is that if the kid flying kites is handcuffed why not is the hot model (for it would have been good fodder for sadist cattle).
The picture is enough to pierce the hearts of many as they sit by their praying mats cursing Ayyan Ali. Little ponder upon the fact that the Lal Masjid Mama “Umm-e-Hassan” and her band of girls when brought before the ATC in 2007 were also not handcuffed, the same transpired for the wives of Osama Bin Laden as they faced trial in Islamabad’s Immigrations Court. But off course comparison of those heavenly leprechauns with this hell bound babe is may be offence enough to earn a fatwa on your head, thus we would just place it on the record that the CrPC 1898 forbids a woman being handcuffed and as per the kid he surely got bailed out within 12 hours as kite flying is covered by section 144 of the PPC, whereas Ayyan Ali has spent more than 100 days behind the bars so slake your conscience.
• Another picture places Ayyan Ali and the AXACT CEO Shoaib Sheikh with the caption revealing the fact that the AXACT saga is a mere false flag operation to woe the public away from this Ayyan Ali break of the century. The post also asks if the crime of Shoaib Sheikh is bigger than that of Ayyan Ali.
In short the FBI, the New York Times, the Gulf authorities and the International Accreditation Council have al colluded with the Government of Pakistan to bring relief to Ayyan Ali, for patently a global multi-billion fake degrees scam is nothing compared to the deeds of this odious model.
Based on this extensive research and elaborate analysis an almost Arab journalist hosted a late night show (of par less comic value than that of the David Letterman show) titled “A model challenges the state of Pakistan”. The bottom line of the said piece of amusement was that wearing obscene designer clothes and having makeup is equivalent to sabotage upon the state of Pakistan and thus guilty she is. Staggered by this confounding analysis one is forced to plead for a few more beans. An analysis of the underlined would greatly benefit the conscience of the parishioners:
• A formerly decorated Commander-in-Chief of Pakistan’s Armed Forces recently appeared before the Islamabad High Court in a case pertaining to the forceful incommunicado detention of judges and their families against their will. The gutsy commando namely General (R) Pervez Musharraf drove in a caravan of Luxury SUVs escorted by a platoon of Rangers. The chest thumping former dictator arrived at court expecting a bail as he had managed in half a dozen other cases but as hard fortunes got his plea rejected the gallantry evaporated. The platoon of Rangers, despite orders from the High Court regarding the dictator’s arrest, whisked him away from the premises of his court to his farmhouse in Islamabad which after the courts insistence for arrest was converted into a sub-jail. Where the dictator spent his evenings sipping coffee and puffing cigars. (Any thoughts of challenging the state?)
• A serving minister in the KPK government Ali Amin Gandapur was charged separately by the DPO, the RPO, the SHO and the Assistant Commissioner with the manhandling of the polling staff and the police present, and tampering of the electoral ballots. The mustache minister drove tranquilly to his home where he resided for two days untouched and unaffected. Post hue and cry he was escorted by the police in his own vehicle to the Police Rest House where he spent a cool night to get a bail the next morning.
• A former minister of the Sindh government Zulfiqar Mirza now in a feud with his party was booked under the Anti-Terrorism Act on about a dozen different counts. Live footages of him vandalizing state property and threatening police officers were aired on the national television. The macho maniac got bail in all of the dozen cases and also received a permit to fly abroad.
• Ali Rohail Asghar, the son of sitting MNA Rohail Asghar, was brought before the court in a case pertaining to usage of illegally acquired arms. All the lad was worried about was whether he looked charming or not. The courts granted him bail to assure his looks don’t go fade.
• Tumman Butt, the district president of the ruling PML-N in Gujranwala, was arrested in case pertaining to disruption of public order. The police soon realized the mistake it had committed and ensured the bail be procured for him. The infamous butt was taken to two spate magistrates and bail was finally achieved on Sunday.
Unlike Ayyan Ali all of the above appeared in courts flashing victory signs to the cameras and to the flowers peddling supporters of theirs. They not only threw flying kisses to the audience at their arrival but also did not forget to wave punches on their way back. All of them attracted jubilations over the social media with trends like #WithyouMusharraf and #IamGandapur trending all over. On the other hand lays a model – humble and contrite – who despite spending 100 times more a period behind the bars than all of these goons combined is meted with abuses, slurs, and hatred, for the makeup on her face steals the merriment of many away who wish to see her belittled. A nation with an enslaved aptitude hails the goons who step on them and curses the modest who walk tender.