

Cynicism and the Theory of Lesser Evil – iv

It’s the constitution which provides us with that yardstick that helps see and identify good and evil in the realm…

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Cynicism and the political evolution of Pakistan

It is this cynicism which is intellectually holding Pakistan back from moving ahead and evolving politically.

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Cynicism and the politics in Pakistan

Pakistani cynics believe that whatever negativity and whatever faultiness exists, responsibility for that rests with all the other Pakistanis, and…

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Cynicism in Pakistan

The Pakistani cynics believe they are not negative and not faulty all the times. In contrast to that, every thing…


لاہور کا نوحہ

وہ پیڑ، وہ برگد، وہ گھنے سیر کے رستے منزل سے کہیں بڑھ کے جو تھے خیر کے رستے اب…