Debate Topic: ‘Music and dance: obscenity or symbols of a progressive society?’
Debate Topic: ‘Pakistan’s way to progress: secularism or theocracy?’
Debate Topic: ‘Who is primarily responsible for repression of women: state or society?’
Debate Topic: Pak-America Relations: Strategic Partnership or Enmity?
Debate Topic: Politics of Pakistani youngsters: fashionable or serious
Debate Topic: “Indo-Pak friendship: prudence or weakness?”
Debate Topic: “The state has failed in bringing back disgruntled Balouch youth to mainstream politics: Yes or No?”
Debate Topic: “Censorship: a viable solution or tool of coercion?”
Debate Topic: “Is the current democratic setup still vulnerable to non-democratic forces: yes or no?”
Debate Topic: “Root Terrorism: Poverty or Extremists’ ideologies”
شیراز اسلم کی فوٹو گرافی (Published in The Laaltain – Issue 8)