We all started this
A journey that begins
For dawn
A hope that was going to be born
Having captains with us
To help us in crux
We had cattle and flocks
In a bloody storm
Hair filled with dust
And a heart nearly to burst
But still
All of us were
Aiming for the horizon
With briskly flesh
And thoughts in mesh
then suddenly
Those trusting captains and leaders
Changed their direction
Only thing left
was oblivion
Breathing with utmost desire became
Ache became fateful
We tried to move faster
But feet were numbed!
Amid the throttling
Dead bodies
Each careless footstep
Spatter the blood on
Our rep
With the wheeze that became choking
And the whisper
Now revolting
And then
Captains evaded from our gaze
Leaving us in a mist of daze
We had no specs
And sans strength
The night arrived
And planned to rule us
Famished, voided and denuded
We were such ill-fated.
Now darkness became deep and stretched
So much that we forgot our features
and the
Sounds that was once heard
The shout of a bleeding
In the pool of dying men
Startled everyone
His obscure words
Informed us
that his
Shriek of joy
Witnessed something
In the sky
Darkness died
And sun recognized!