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The Reappraisal of Our Worldview

As a birthday present on my 26th, Fazal and Ain, my two good and close New Jersey friends, showed me…

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In the Country of Men- Book Review

In the Country of Men is the debut novel of a Libyan novelist Hisham Matar published in 2006 and short-listed…

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YouTube and Islam in Pakistan

Lately, I watched a video on YouTube, which I have watched hundred times since then, about a poem ‘Mori’ (Mother…

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Pakistan’s Responsibility to Protect

The deadly assault on central Imambargah in Shikarpur on January 30, allegedly by the TTP splinter Sunni militant group Jundullah,…

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Reframing the Narrative: If not Now, When?

If there has to be a single incident that must get us alert, focused, and united to defeat terrorism in…